Thursday, May 15, 2014

Introduction to SEO-Search Engine Optimization

Introduction to SEO - Search Engine Optimization - Chapter 1st

Full form for SEO is Search Engine Optimization. It is a technique bloggers use to rank their blogs higher on search engines. It is easy for most professional bloggers to take a lot of SEO knowledge and other valuable information for granted. So when they write posts, it is very difficult for many newbie’s in blogging to learn and utilize.

I am writing this post only for newbies who can start stepping into SEO field with ease. Here I will teach you simple SEO techniques to improve visibility of your web pages or blogs for different search engines specially for Google, Yahoo and Bing.

As this is your first chapter of SEO,  I will tell you only the meaning of SEO with interview point of view as well as technical point of view. And don't skip the next chapter as in next chapter you will come to learn the how search engine works and what role they play to bring rankings higher.

SEO is sometimes also called SEO copyrighting because most of the techniques that are used to promote sites in search engines deal with text.
  • SEO Stands for Search Engine Optimization.
  • SEO is all about optimizing a web site for Search Engines.
  • SEO is the process of designing and developing a web site to rank well in search engine results.
  • SEO is to improve the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines.
  • SEO is a subset of search engine marketing.
  • SEO is the art of ranking in the search engines.
  • SEO is marketing by understanding how search algorithms work and what human visitors might search. 

In next chapter you will come to learn about the working of Search Engines...

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